Pagine v2

Pagine is an high-performance website constructor that makes full use of multicore hardware.

Build jobs can be completed very fast.


Supported rich text formats:



Find the executable that matches your OS and architecture in releases.

Build from source

$ go install

[!TIP] Install Pagine via Go mod is recommended for non-amd64 platforms. Choose Go toolchain for your platform here.


Usage of pagine:


$ cd ~/web/my_site
$ pagine
Generation complete.

Run as HTTP server

$ cd ~/web/my_site
$ pagine --serve :12450

It automatically executes generation when file changes are detected by inotify.

[!NOTE] Incremental generation is not implemented yet.
Set the --public under /tmp is recommended to reduce hard disk writes.

Since v2.1.0, the server provides a WebSocket interface at /ws to provide event monitoring for the client, such as page updates.

[!CAUTION] Exposing your Pagine server to the public network might be risky! You should deploy your final pages via static page services.



Template is a set of page frames (Go template file) and assets (e.g. SVGs, stylesheets and scripts).

Manifest of one template looks like:

canonical = "com.symboltics.pagine.genesis" # Canonical name
patterns  = [ "/*html" ]                    # Matched files will be added as template file.

name   = "page"      # Export as name `page`
export = "page.html" # Export `page.html`

name   = "post"      # Export as name `post`
export = "post.html" # Export `post.html`

To the Go templates files syntax, see text/template.

Example: page.html

<html lang="{{ .lang }}">
  <title>{{ .title }}</title>
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ (getAttr).templateBase }}/css/base.css" />
{{ template "header.html" .header }}
<main>{{ render .content }}</main>
{{ template "footer.html" .footer }}


“Environment” is the configuration of the details of the entire process.

ignore = [ "/.git*" ] # Pattern matching. Matched files will not be **copied** to the public/destination.

genesis = "/templates/genesis"
another = "/templates/something_else" # Load and set alias for the template.

Installing templates via Git submodule is recommended. Such as:

$ git submodule add templates/genesis


Each “level” contains its metadata. And a set of units to be executed.

For directories, metadata sets are stored in metadata.toml in the form of map, and units are stored in unit.toml

Each template has its alias that defined in env as the namespace.

Levels can override fields propagated from parents.

Example: /metadata.toml

title = "Pagine"

icon = "/favicon.ico"

name = "Documentation"
link = "/docs/"


Example: /unit.toml

template = "genesis:page"       # Which template to use.
output   = "/index.html"        # Where to save the result.
define   = { title = "Pagine" } # Unit-specified metadata.

template = "genesis:page"
output   = "/404.html"
define   = { title = "Page not found" }

Builtin functions


Func Args Result
add a, b: Int Int
sub a, b: Int Int
mul a, b: Int Int
div a, b: Int Int
mod a, b: Int Int

Engine API

Func Description
getEnv Get environment information for debug use.
getAttr Get meta information in the form of map about units, hierarchy and templates provided by engine.
Environment Description
isServing Return true if Pagine is running as server.
Attribution Description
unitBase Unit’s level’s base dir path.
templateBase It tells the template where it has been stored.
Func Description
getMetadata It returns the root node of metadata of the template.

[!TIP] (getEnv).isServing can be used to enable some debug code in templates such as page realtime update.

Data processing

Func Args Result
hasPrefix str: String, prefix: String Bool
trimPrefix str: String, prefix: String String
Func Args Result Description
divideSliceByN slice: []Any, n: Int [][]Any Divide a slice into len(slice) / N slices
mapAsSlice map: map[String]Any, key, value: String []map[String]{ key: String, value: Any } Convert map to a slice of map that contains two keys named key and value.


Path starts from where the unit is.

Func Args Description
apply path: String, data: Any Invoke a template.
applyFromEnv templateKey: String, data: Any Invoke a template defined in env.toml.
embed path: String Embed file raw content.
render path: String Invoke renderer by file extension name.
renderAsciidoc path: String Render and embed Asciidoc content.
renderMarkdown path: String Render and embed Markdown content.
Format File Extension Name
Markdown md
Asciidoc adoc



$ pagine --public ../public

Upload public to your server.

Deploy to GitHub Pages via GitHub Actions (recommended)

GitHub Actions workflow configuration can be found in Get Started repository.


Why another generator? Isn’t Hugo enough?

Pagine is not Hugo, and is not aim to replace Hugo.

Pagine does not embed page configurations in Markdown file, they are separated and should be separated.

And Pagine does not focus on Markdown only, I hope to support various kinds of source.

Can I use Pagine for building complex web application?

It can only help you get rid of repetitive work about static contents.

Templates can increase productivity as long as Pagine well integrated with external tools.

So, it depends.

Co-operate with external tools such as npx?

It is possible. This step should be transparent to external tools.

Run npx in public directory after the generation by Pagine.

What is the origin of the logo and name?

It is neither a browser engine, a layout engine nor a rendering engine.

Page Gen × Engine ⇒ Pagine. It has similar pronunciation to “pagen”.

The logo is an opened book with a bookmark.

Rewrite it in other PL?

I expected somebody would ask.

It will not be taken unless it does bring obvious advantages.

Thus: NO. It is not planned currently.